That's what I am. I'm a speck. A teeny, tiny part of this world.
I started thinking about it when we visited the Redwoods a couple weeks ago. Those trees are massive. And they've been growing since well before the birth of the USA. We drove 4 hours to get there. A couple hundred miles across one part of one state, in one country. Our earth is huge. And all over it, life is happening. People are laughing. Birthdays are being celebrated. Someone is being born, right now. A flower is blooming. People are falling in love. Water is running off a cliff.
I am so unaware of the vast majority of what is happening right now. It's really humbling. My entire world, my entire existence.. is such a small part of the whole. One hundred years from now, I'll be all but forgotten. Life was going on before I was born, and it will continue long after I die.
This may sound morbid, but it actually makes me feel the opposite. I'm so inspired. I want my life to have meaning, I want to be a part of something.
ALL of life is in God's hands. And he has a specific purpose for me being here. If I live for only my survival, there is no point. But if I live to further God's kingdom, to spread love and justice.. I get to play a part in this huge, beautiful process. I get to be a brush stroke in the big picture. It's exhilarating.
Psalm 8 says, "When I consider your heavens, the work of your fingers, the moon and the stars, which you have set in place, what is man that you are mindful of him, the son of man that you care for him?" Nature proclaims his Glory! It’s humbling to think that he placed us at the center of this beautiful masterpiece that He made and even more so that He considers US the Masterpiece of His Creation!
ReplyDeleteJust yesterday our small group was talking about our part in History and how if we think that the world begins/ends with us, we will get nothing done. But if we fall into God’s will then we will fall into a greater story where He uses our very life and talents as part of His wonderful Plan!
Oh and thanks for the comment. And yes, My taste in music is great! :) glad you like it!