I read through Luke close to 10 years ago and wrote in my journal that one of the things that really stuck out to me was the phrase "But Mary treasured up all these things and pondered them in her heart." Luke writes that 3 different times about her.. and I felt that it must be significant.
Last week in church, Bill mentioned that same thing, so I started thinking about Mary again. What an absolute honor, to be chosen by God for something like that. She was just a girl.. and the Lord saw in her someone worthy to raise Jesus.
The gospels don't say a ton about her. She accepted her role, carried it out... and treasured this experience in her heart. She gave birth to Jesus, mothered him, followed him in his teachings and was there when he died. She devoted her life to taking care of God's son. She did exactly what God said she could do.
I don't think this is about her great works or anything. But she must have been special, and was obviously close to God's heart. I want that kind of life. Even if I'm not famous, even if most people never hear my name- I want to spend my life caring for the people God cares about. Doing his work with all my heart, for all my life.
And truly treasuring it. Every moment and experience.
I meant to comment on this a while back... but this is a beautiful post Alexis!