Tuesday, July 28, 2009


"There is a barbarian revolt taking place, and its command center is the kingdom of God. Everywhere the kingdom of God advances, there is a violent engagement against a dark kingdom. To be born of God is to be made a citizen in the kingdom of God, and the kingdom of God is at war. Do not confuse this kingdom with Paradise. Salvation is not reentry into a Paradise Lost; it is enlistment in the kingdom of God.
Jesus is telling us in no uncertain terms that there is a battle raging. This is perhaps the most important reason why we must choose the barbarian way and resist any temptation to become civilized. Domesticated Christians are far too willing to abdicate the battle for the soul of the world. Civility focuses our energy on all the wrong places. We spend our lives emphasizing our personal development and spiritual well-being. We build churches that become nothing more than hiding places for the faithful while pretending that our actions are for the good of the world. Or we choose political or secular vehicles to try to advance our cultural values, strangely attempting to make unbelieving people act like civilized believers.
In contrast Jesus calls us to a different way. He tells us this is a battle of kingdoms. He insists that if we are His followers, we must not live in a world defined only by the material. We cannot limit our sights to what is flesh and blood. We should know better than that. To see from a kingdom perspective is to know that there is a conflict of invisible kingdoms and that people's lives are forever changed by what happens in the unseen. We are called to be warriors of light in dark places. We are mystical warriors who use weapons not of this world."
-Erwin McManus, The Barbarian Way

This scares the crap out of me. Yet it resonates deep within my soul. Being a part of the kingdom of God requires EVERYTHING we have and EVERYTHING we are. Becoming a follower of Christ does not make life "easier." But it does make it worth something.
For so long I've limited my Christianity to my personal theology. But it's so much more than that.. we're God's body here on earth. He has a purpose. And he plans on using us to accomplish that purpose.
I wish I knew exactly what that is going to look like for me, but I really don't. I just want to open to it, whatever it is. Lately, I've been praying that God will break out of every box I've put him in. And that he will break down anything I lean on besides him. No matter what the cost.. it's worth it to truly follow him.
It's so much more than I signed up for. I know we're supposed to count the cost before. But I'm realizing more and more now that the deeper I go with God, the more he invests in me, the more that will be required. And I know that I want my life's purpose to be used as his vessel.
It's a little terrifying. And incredibly exhilarating.


  1. Great write up there Emil.....I mean Alexis, haha.

    I agree that joining Christ' family has definitely not made life easier. If anything He has been letting me know how shallow my existence has been up to this point, kinda weird, yet funny. In a way things do become easier, because you're able to acknowledge certain "weak" areas in your own life, but at the same time there is so much more than spiritual self indulgence, as the quotation above makes oh so apparent.

    This past month has been a very, very weird, yet uplifting time in my life. God has been breaking me down in many different areas and He has been using many different people, places, events, etc. to make me realize that his presence is far greater than I have ever imagined.

  2. There is a great amount of power in that notion of tearing open any boxes which we may have forced God into. Lately I've been contemplating a verse from 2 Corinthians - "Nevertheless when one turns to the Lord, the veil is taken away."

    What a great verse and concept. It really brings about this idea that the passive Christianity which both you and Jon speak of is not what Christ intended. When we try to keep control, we fail to honor or fear God. When we truly do those two things, we have given him the respect he deserves, and gain a perspective which cannot be found on civility.

  3. I absolutely love that book!

    We are born from above into a battlefield.

    Warriors of light, rise up!

