Tuesday, July 14, 2009

Guatemala 1

Being back in the USA is a little hard. I'm so glad to be back with all of our loved ones, but I'm so sad to be away from Panamaquin. It's probably how I'm going to feel in 5 weeks when we move to California.
I loved it there. I loved how much we were able to slow down and focus on prayer, worship, studying and loving people. It feels like that's what we are supposed to be doing. Yesterday I worked all day, and I loved seeing my co-workers and catching up with some friends. But I did not love following up with our insurance company, paying bills and remembering that we have nowhere to live in a couple months.
I know this is a part of life. I know nobody enjoys tedious, monotonous, everyday tasks. I'm so grateful we were able to go be a part of something so wonderful. God did so much in us while we were there. I'm praying and praying that each of us hold on to that. I was so content there. The Bible makes it pretty clear that we going to go through testing... If I can be content there, I can be content here.
God alone can keep us strong, keep us close to Him. That's the cry of my heart, and He is faithful.
In Panamaquin there is very little access to the internet, few tvs and one school. At first I thought "their world is so small!" Then I went to the top of the mountain and looked at miles and miles of villages and cities and realized.... my world is so small.
God is so far outside of my box. He is everywhere, in everything. He is in Guatemala, Florida and California. He is my foundation and my fortress. He alone is my joy and my strength. Every day, I'm thankful that He opens my eyes to see more of who He is.


  1. Great observations. It is so good to be reminded that our way of life is not the only way. There is so much to this world, and God has so many ways of accessing peoples hearts. I love being in Panimaquin because of the ways which it stretches me - how healthy that is.

  2. Beautiful post by a beautiful woman of God.

    Thank you...

  3. This is so true! And the exact same way I felt being there. It's so weird that we can be so content with the simplicity and little that is in Panimaquin, yet be so unsettled upon returning to our abundance. Being there really puts everything into perspective, and I pray it's not one that we lose upon returning to our "normalcy".

  4. I agree completly. I like how you said "If I can be content there, I can be content here." With God, that is true.

