Wednesday, September 2, 2009

job description

This is my commandment, that you love one another as I have loved you. Greater love has no one than this, that someone lay down his life for his friends.
John 15:12-13

What does it really mean to love others as Jesus has loved us?
To lay down our lives.

So what does that look like?

I believe, to lay down our lives for God, means to serve Him with everything we are. To worship Him because He is worthy, no matter what's going on in our lives or what we're doing at that exact moment in time. We worship Him because we love Him. We love Him because He first loved us. And He, in His wonderful love, laid down His life. Literally. It cost Him everything.

What is it costing us to follow Him?

And what is costing us to love others?

For the longest time, I thought that meant being nice to every single person I met. And even that was kind of hard. You know, smiling at people, being in a good mood, listening to a friend even if you're busy.... but now I don't think that's quite what Jesus meant. His love for us put Him on a cross.

So for me to truly love other people, the way Jesus wants me to, must take a little more. My time, my energy, my money, my passion. Loving people with action. Helping them find freedom, feeding them, clothing them.. in a way that, often times, costs me something.

This is a more demanding call than I thought I signed up for initially. But then, Jesus is a lot more than I thought at first. He's more real than I could've imagined before I followed Him. And this cry within my heart is not fading away. It's everywhere I look. It's in everything I want to do with my life.

I'm currently looking for a job in California. At first I thought I'd try to work for a bank or an insurance company.. something to pay the bills. And my time not working would be so awesome! But now.. I hate that idea. I don't know what job I'll end up with. But I feel like, to be a good steward with my time and resources, I should work somewhere that's doing good. Obviously, everybody can't work for a nonprofit organization. But this burden for social justice is so heavy on my heart.. I have to try.

Whether it ends up being my job or not, this is something I feel called to so strongly. As long as I believe that's what God is doing in me, I have to pursue it with everything I am.


  1. That's awesome that you have that urgency inside of you to want to work somewhere that is making a positive difference.

    Trust me, working 5+ years at Target was never the ideal thing to do and upon graduating this December I'm going to have a number of opportunities as to where my life is going to head. Only thing is I have to be proactive enough to pick one, stick with it and be prayerfully mindful of what God would have me do regardless of any "plans" I have right now.

    Just remember Alexis, you are going to be a incredibly positive, yet gnarly influence for God where ever you end up working. Every time I walk out the door to go to Target my dad always reminds me to serve people with everything I have while I'm there.

    Yes, it does take a deeper LOVE than fakes smiles and forced happiness for others. Our service to this world truly defines what God is doing in us.

    Yea, the weather outside the computer lab at USF St. Pete right now is phenomenal. It gives you that great joy inside, that urgency to really do something with the day that will bring a positive change.

    SO, on that note, Mr. and Mrs. Potter, continue to travel safely and just be praying that the Lord will put you where you can serve Him the best. Whatever shape or form that takes, roll with it, you'll be surprised.


  2. This is an all around wonderful post. I love hearing about what God is doing in you, it's so encouraging to me. You are an astounding woman of God! And like Jon said, I know He's going to use you wherever you end up.

    I often find myself in the place of "fake smiles and forced happiness for others". I don't want to be there anymore. If the kingdom of God is love, I want to be in the center of it, and, like you said, that is going to cost something.

    Love you guys & glad to hear that the trip is going so well. :)

  3. I pray for the day when fear is replaced by His perfect love... It is fear that pushes us to force smiles and play games with ourselves and others... Fear of rejection, fear of being seen as we truly are, etc...

    As we step into Him and truly take on His nature we will delight in ALL of our moments and situations. We will burn with the fire and passion of our God and King!

    May we (haha, Bryon/Rob) all be consumed by His purposes and plans in each Holy Moment.

    God has mighty plans for you. Never settle, love violently!

    Love you!!!!!!!

  4. You're right and I believe many have drifted from what Jesus was actually teaching when HE spoke on how to love others. It Does cost something. Sometimes, everything. But like you said Alexis, He is so much more than we can imagine and shouldn't we trust Him with all things. This weekend at The Nest Hilbert said something to us that I thought was so cool. You know often people say things like He won't give you more than you can handle because He is not a God that would do us dirty like that. But I don't know how true that last statement is any more. He said God needs to give us more than we can handle so it won't be a flesh based ministry but instead we would be forced to rely upon the biggness of God Our FATHER!!!! So we should look for the costly things and the hard things that God may be glorified. I too thought that loving people was just bring overly nice to everyone and at times awkwardly nice. But I think we must challenge this and say we must give up that God's love may flow out through us. You know that cliche statement but also very true: WE must get out of our comfort zones. For real. I ask you Alexis, what would cost you more than you can handle alone? I love you alot and am praying God's will over your life. It will come, just stay moldable.

