Friday, September 18, 2009


I honestly don't know what to write in here...

There's so much in my head, I'm not sure I can put in words in any way that makes sense. I feel like I'm being ripped up by my roots. All the fears I've kept in my heart are being pulled out. And it's kind of painful. It's actually terrifying to be so humbled. I feel like a baby taking my first steps.. like there's this whole new level I hadn't even dreamt of before.

I'm not sure if this is something I'll experience this one time, or if every time God takes me deeper I'll feel the same way. This time, I prayed that I would be humbled. That God would take everything I was holding on to. And He's doing it. I didn't even realize how fearful I was.. of being loved and accepted. Crazy. His name is Love.

I feel so cherished.. there's so many ways He's made it clear that He is pursuing me. And there are so many ways I've been hiding from that. I'm believing that there is so much more He can and will do in me. I believe I can be different from this moment onward. That there are deeper places He wants to take me.

I kind of hate admitting all of this. This is basic, right? God loves us.. duh. I've known it on the surface for so long.. but.. it's just different now. He is doing a new thing.

Behold, I have come for you. I come like a river to purify. I will bring water to your soul and give life to the gifts that are within. As I pour in my love, peace and justice will flow out..
You will be holy, as I am holy.


  1. its awesome to see what God is doing in you :)

    is that a scripture at the end there? cause it is awesome

  2. Thanks!
    Not so much scripture. Just what I feel like God has been speaking to my heart :)

  3. Wow. Although it may not feel so awesome all the time...that's pretty awesome. You have every reason to be encouraged. I agree with Alexander.
    Love you and miss you!

  4. There seems to a theme running through our group (and extended company) of God bringing us back to a few basics. However, as opposed to us getting a repeat lesson, we seem to be using whatever new information we've since learned to expand upon the basics and find new beauty.

    I for one am glad to see this happening. Understanding God's love is great. Understanding how God's love is active in our lives and constantly at work is another thing altogether.

    Something fantastic.

