Saturday, October 10, 2009


I tried and tried to find the quote on the internet, but I'm pretty terrible about remembering the exact wording of anything. The gist was:

"It's better to be a first rate you than a poor man's someone else."

That struck me. For the entirety of my adolescence I tried to find my identity in other people. Sometimes I admired them for good reasons, sometimes not. I wanted to be as smart as this person, as pretty as that girl, as witty as him... I never felt like just being me was enough of anything to stand on.

The older I've gotten the less of an issue this has been. I've become much more secure. But I still catch myself comparing. Wondering how I measure up. Now, I do this concerning my looks, personality.. and my spirituality.

I'd grown very comfortable at home. I knew who I was. I knew where I fit. Here at Bethel, the environment is so different.. it's challenging in a wonderful way. But there are some less than fabulous challenges as well.

Spiritually it's so good for me. My box is ever expanding. My relationship with Christ growing more intimate. My understanding of who God is and who he sees me as is becoming much clearer.

However, many of the girls here are very pretty and incredibly trendy. There's a focus on the arts here and fashion is seen as one of the realms that the church needs to take leadership in. That's fine, I guess. But that's not my field. Not my call. Sometimes, though, it feels intimidating being around all these girls who are leading the way.

My first reaction was to judge myself. I don't look the same as them = there's something wrong with me. But I remembered getting to where I am. In my situation, feeling the need to look a certain way is something God has been setting me free from. So out came the T-shirts!

Then.. I found myself judging them. Obviously, this is revelation I've attained and they just aren't there yet. How dare they be so shallow! = Nope, not accurate. Bad on my part.

I've prayed for years that I would be transformed through the Holy Spirit to look like Shane Claiborne. Oh no, wait.. to look like Jesus! I gave Him my life and said He could use me however He wanted to. If that looks different than others, what difference does that make?

I know there are gifts and desires in me that are unique. I have the freedom to pursue my own dreams, even if not everybody feels that same passion. For so long, I wondered if I was lacking something because the things I longed for were different than the majority.

But God is a big God. He's got lots of dreams. And He's trusted me with some that are a little less common. How awesome! He considered me responsible enough to be trusted with them.

I will be found faithful.


  1. First of all, I want you to know that you are not alone in this struggle. For me, when I get in any kind of harder place, I can feel like I am completely alone and nobody can relate. So, to dispel that from the get-go: You are not alone!
    I can tell you a billion times what a beautiful woman of God you are and how your kindness, gentleness and meekness shines through in such a wonderful way, but until it permeates your being in the way only Christ can make it, those words are just words. He makes them come alive.
    Something that I loved about this post because I can completely relate and didn't know other people did it is the "out came the T-shirts!" Whenever I find myself comparing myself to other girls in the looks department, I default to T-shirts and jeans, to try and completely end any competition in my mind or heart against them. (Don't know if that's what you meant, but it's how I took it).
    Anyway, like I said, I can relate to this. And so I'll be praying for you. And, I love you. Continue on! :)

  2. One of the most beautiful qualities about this world is our individuality. This weekend was a great experience at the Coral House, and upon coming home my mind often turned to how great it is to see so many different expressions which share the same core beliefs but are expressed in diverse ways. Put simply, it would be much more boring if this wasn't the case, and I'm glad it's not.

  3. Alexis, I find this post especially touching and humorous--let me explain why.

    It's touching because judging ourselves and comparing ourselves to other people on ALL levels, even faith and spirituality, is something that is inherent in every one. The ability to learn, suppress or grow from it is what varies from person to person. I find it very touching that you are able to admit and communicate that so freely, it makes me remember that not everyone in the world is suffocating underneath the rubble of their own issues.

    The reason it was humorous to me was your observation that some of the younger Church goers at Bethel are terribly trendy. This is a conversation my sister and I had yesterday during lunch. We went to a bakery and had this guy help us who was wearing a trendy vintage outfit and was really funny. When we left she said, "He seemed really cool. He probably goes to Bethel. Anybody young and cool that I meet seems to go to Bethel."
    Also humorous: to me and most other people, you ARE a trendy Bethel church goer, even if you don't realize it.

